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Education @ Celonis

5 ways Celonis drives education

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Education is at the core of Celonis, down to our DNA. It all started with our founders meeting at the Technical University of Munich and developing the project that turned into our company, Celonis.

We are currently working on many programs that promote and are focused on education:


The Celonis Aspire Program aims to combat educational inequality through financial and educational support. Their goal is to offer education for everyone to pursue one's dreams for a good future.

Why? Free access to education is a privilege not everyone has. Celonis Co-CEO Bastian Nominacher noted that at the same time, "education is the most powerful lever to take control of one’s destiny and create equal opportunities for everybody."

"Access to education is either taken for granted, hard-earned or impossible. I believe we all have a part to play in breaking down these barriers to education." - Janina Nakladal, Director of Sustainability

Early Professional Hiring

The Early Professional Hiring (EPH) team’s goal is to find the best job opportunity for young professionals, graduates and students so that they can easily combine their studies with work experience and find the best start in their professional careers.

By organizing and attending global university events, as well as hackathons, workshops, and presentations, they spread the word about Celonis amongst talented people and show possible career paths at Celonis.

Young professionals have the possibility to start a graduate program (e.g. FutureNaut Engineering Traineeship or Orbit Graduate Program) at Celonis and then steadily grow while having a mentor by their side. There are also many different internship programs and opportunities globally (e.g. US Summer Internship and HIIT Summer Internship Program).

Academic Alliance

The mission of our Academic Alliance is to educate future talent in data and process science. They partner with global leading universities, colleges and schools to empower the process miners of tomorrow and share knowledge of process-oriented data science.

Watch Me Grow

Watch Me Grow is a Learning Experience Platform for Celonauts. With this program, Celonis employees can develop and learn new personal and professional skills and knowledge related to their own interests and career paths.

Celonis Academy

The Celonis Academy helps to become a Celonis expert through free online trainings. There are 2000 hours of free training material available. After completing a training track or course, participants get a Celonis Digital Batch to showcase their achievements.

Anna and Emma B&W
Anna Förg and Emma Munoz Descalzo
Talent Acquisition Marketing Team

Anna Förg, Junior Talent Acquisition Marketing Specialist.

Emma Munoz Descalzo, Talent Marketing Content Specialist at Celonis.

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