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Celonis Rising Stars Program helps students launch their process mining career

BlogProcess in Practice

Celonis Academy, in partnership with the Celonis Academic Alliance, has launched a new skills training program designed to help students prepare for a career in process mining and execution management, the Celonis Rising Stars Program.

“Process Mining is one of the fastest-growing job markets in the data science industry and the demand for skilled talent is higher than ever before,” said Jerome Geyer-Klingeberg, global head of Academic Alliance for Celonis. “If you are keen on starting your career in Process Mining, the Rising Stars program is the right first step to acquire the skills that are in demand,” he added.

Indeed, analysts predict strong growth in the process mining market. Last year, Gartner predicted that process mining would grow 40-50% and pass $1 billion in 2022. Polaris Market Research predicted that the process mining market will grow at a compound annual growth rate of 49% with forecasted revenue of $11 billion in 2030.

Likewise, data-centric jobs, which often require process mining and execution management skills, are also in demand. In its ranking of the 15 highest-paying IT jobs, Robert Half ranked big data engineer (#1), data architect (#6), database manager (#7), data security analyst (#8) and data scientist (#9).

What is the Celonis Rising Stars Program?

The Celonis Rising Stars Program is a unique learning experience designed for university and college students who are interested in learning the skills and knowledge necessary for a career in process mining and execution management.

A collaboration of Celonis Academy and the Celonis Academic Alliance, the Rising Stars Program is a new Academic Learning Journey consisting of individual courses and training tracks assembled into four paths.

Students begin their Rising Star journey by learning the basics of process mining with the Introduction to Process Mining course. Next, they will deepen their understanding of process mining and Celonis EMS with the Process Mining Fundamentals training track. The Introduction course is designed to take 1 hour to complete, and the Fundamentals track should take about 9 hours. Students can learn at their own pace, pausing and restarting individual courses as necessary.

celonis academy rising stars program logos

After completing the introductory course and fundamentals track, learners can specialize in one of the follow focus areas based on their interests and career goals:

Pathway to Rising Business Star: This path contains the Deliver Business Value with Celonis and the Create and Deliver Demos training tracks. The two tracks are designed for people interested in roles such as Process Manager and Process Analyst. After completing the path, learners should be able to frame value by identifying improvement opportunities, develop an action plan to make process improvements, develop and deliver a business value oriented demo and use the various Demo creation tools available in Celonis. The path should take about 19 hours, including the Introduction and Fundamentals prerequisites. (Badge: Celonis Rising Star - Business)

Pathway to Rising Technical Star: This path includes the Write PQL Queries and Get Data into the EMS training tracks. These tracks are designed for roles such as Process Mining Engineer and Process Mining Architect. After completing the material in this path, learners have a solid grasp of PQL (Process Query Language), be able to create static background filters, compare attributes with benchmarking analysis sheets, configure drill down tables and ingest data into Celonis EMS. The path should take about 23.5 hours to complete, including the Introduction and Fundamentals prerequisites. (Badge: Celonis Rising Star - Technical)

Pathway to Rising Automation Star: This path consists of the Automation Bootcamp course and Build Action Flows training track. The material in this path is designed for people interested in roles such as Process Improvement Manager and Process Automation Manager. After completing the material in this path, students should understand the basics of business process automation and its link to process mining, know how Celonis automation tools can be applied to real-world business scenarios and be able to create automation scenarios using Make or Celonis Action Flows. The path should take about 19 hours to complete, including the Introduction and Fundamentals prerequisites. (Badge: Celonis Rising Star - Automation)

Pathway to Rising Research Star: This path consists of the Process Mining: From There to Execution training track and is taught by Professor Wil van der Aalst, Chief Scientist of Celonis and a full professor at RWTH Aachen University. He is regarded by many as the godfather of process mining. After completing the material in this path, learners should have a solid theoretical and academic foundation in process mining, understand the practical application of process mining with real business cases, understand the key process discovery and conformance checking algorithms, and understand how comparative and predictive process mining techniques organizations use to perform root cause analysis of performance and compliances issues. Completing this path is the first step for those interested in academic research in process mining. The path should take about 20 hours to complete, including the Introduction and Fundamentals prerequisites. (Badge: Celonis Rising Star - Research)

Celonis Rising Stars - Consultant Bootcamp

Individuals who earn their Rising Star - Business and/or Rising Star - Technical badge(s), can take their Celonis learning journey even further by participating in the Celonis Rising Stars . Consultant Bootcamp In this bootcamp, students will get to showcase the skills and knowledge they’ve accumulated throughout their Rising Stars journey. Learners will participate in multiple workshops and work with 2-3 other students on a real-world business case study. At the end of the bootcamp learners will pitch their findings to a jury of Celonis employees, customers and partners…giving students a chance to demonstrate their expertise directly to potential employers. The learners who successfully complete the bootcamp will be rewarded a Celonis Consultant Star Badge.

Rising Research Stars: Additional opportunities

Those who complete the Research path can continue their Celonis Journey in several ways, including:

“The teams at Celonis Academy and Celonis Academic Alliance have put a lot of hard work and dedication into making the Rising Stars program a high-quality, engaging and interactive e-learning experience,” said David Jeggle, Head of Celonis Process Mining Academy. “It truly equips Academics with the knowledge and skills they need to kick start their career in Process Mining.”

Celonis Academy: Leading the way in process mining and execution management education

Celonis Academy offers over 300 courses and 2,000 hours of training to help you learn the process mining, process management, and execution management skills that today’s employers are looking for…all online and all for free. For more information on Celonis Academy and the free, on-demand training courses and learning material available from Celonis, check out the following resources:

Bill Detwiler is Editor for Technical Content and Ecosystem at Celonis. He is the former Editor in Chief of TechRepublic, where he hosted the Dynamic Developer podcast and Cracking Open, CNET's popular online show. Bill is an award-winning journalist, who's covered the tech industry for more than two decades. Prior his career in the software industry and tech media, he was an IT professional in the social research and energy industries.
Bill Detwiler
Editor, Technical Content & Ecosystem

Bill Detwiler is Editor for Technical Content and Ecosystem at Celonis. He is the former Editor in Chief of TechRepublic, where he hosted the Dynamic Developer podcast and Cracking Open, CNET’s popular online show. Bill is an award-winning journalist, who’s covered the tech industry for more than two decades. Prior his career in the software industry and tech media, he was an IT professional in the social research and energy industries.

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