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Celonaut Spotlight: Bao Huy Lam, Data Scientist, RfX Lead

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When you join #TeamCelonis, you're in for a ride. In an article originally published on LinkedIn, Bao Huy Lam celebrated his 3-year anniversary as a Celonaut by sharing a recap of the last few years, his key learnings, and the impact the Solution Engineering Team has had on our customers. Check it out below to learn more!

Bao Huy Lam
Bao Huy Lam
RfX Lead
Solution Engineering

Today is a special day. Three years of being a Celonaut!

Three years that have felt like fast-forwarding three decades... I've asked myself WHY? In my humble opinion, there are three drivers:

1. Tremendous Learnings

Working with the best in the industry - super bright, ambitious, and humble team players - has allowed me to enhance my skillset every day. It amazes me how much I've been able to grow thanks to the Solution Engineering team and engagements with customers.

All of the different technical and business challenges we have experienced encourage us to be creative and persistent in developing solutions.

2. Significant Mission

We can substantially impact our customers and society. If we do our job right, we help them overcome the modern world's complexities, such as unlocking value from the ubiquitous amount of data. Thus inefficiencies and waste can be eliminated, creating happy end customers and a more sustainable world.

3. Friendships and Fun:

Lastly, I have met many great people I can now call friends. Having fun is super crucial in both work and leisure. And we Celonauts know how to party - e.g. the Celoclub in Madrid.

It is still stunning for me to see the journey we have embarked on. When I learned of Celonis in 2014, it was still a tiny TUM startup. My first real touchpoint with a Celonaut was in 2015 with Sebastian. He worked for Martin Klenk, Co-Founder and CTO, in the Engineering team and is one of my best friends. Sebastian told me about a cool 30-people startup building a fantastic product and immediately got my attention. If he likes it, it must be good, right? Of course, I would trust a friend who wants to make a positive impact and enjoys many things I do (e.g., AoE II and hosting Gatsby parties all over Europe, and yes, this is how I pick my friends). So since then, I have kept Celonis on my radar, and fast forward to February 15, 2019, I finally became a Celonaut and joined the Solution Engineering team as employee number 618. Today we are over 2,000!

After two years in the field proofing the value of our software to our customers, I got a new opportunity. I moved to Madrid. We are now building up an entirely new team and global function to win competitive tenders. Let's see where the next years will take us and what my following reflection post will look like - it won't be boring! 👩‍🚀 Bao Huy Lam joined Celonis in 2019 and is now leading the competitive tender advisory team in Solution Engineering. Huy graduated from TUM with a focus on Entrepreneurial Finance and Computer Science. Outside of work, he enjoys exploring new cultures and playing all kinds of games (table tennis, board games, AoE II). __________________________________

Interested in joining our Solution Engineering Team? We're hiring in Madrid, ES and Raleigh, NC, US.

Bao Huy profile 2
Bao Huy Lam
RfX Lead
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