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Elona Dika

Celonaut Spotlight: Elona Dika Osmani, Engineering Operations Officer, Pristina

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What makes working in the Engineering Department at Celonis such a unique experience?

I started working at Celonis in the Prishtina office more than a year ago. Having the same opportunities as other colleagues in different offices around the world, makes it a very special experience. Working at Celonis is like a bicycle for our brain: Here, we keep innovating and developing new ideas, and providing a product that has a huge impact for our customers. Moreover, Celonis provides a friendly and productive working atmosphere and enables employees to grow personally and professionally, meanwhile contributing to a world-leading software with the most up-to-date or even individually developed tech stack. 

What makes you proud?

Working with such enthusiastic and talented people in a company which supports the most successful global companies to operate more efficiently, makes me proud. Knowing that we are contributing to maximizing the growth of these companies, while innovating new technologies and utilizing them, shows me that my work here is meaningful and makes an impact. 

Which advice would you give to less experienced talents who are just starting their career?

The most important advice is: Do NOT get discouraged! In the beginning it might look like there are tremendous difficulties to catch-up and pick up the pace, but patience and dedication on something you are passionate about gets you on track. You can also learn a lot from more experienced colleagues, not only in professional terms, but also in working with the team and creating a friendly and inspiring work environment.

Which key qualifications should applicants have to join the Engineering Department?

At Celonis we are proud to have a diverse team out of 60 different nationalities, all showing commitment, character and capability as well as sharing a strong passion for our software. On the one hand soft skills and on the other hand hard coding skills are valued and of importance when hiring new talent. 

In my view, ambition is the most important factor an applicant has to possess. A good candidate should have a strong will and determination to deliver top-notch results. Coming up with insights to solve complex issues is a daily requirement in our department. Thus, being oriented towards problem-solving is another key quality a member of our team should have.

The key technical skills candidates should have is the ability to write clear, understandable and testable code with continuous focus on maintainability. Also they should have hands-on experience with building complex products in Java on frameworks like Spring Boot and Angular.

What challenges do you face every day and how do you deal with them?

Collaboration with others for different topics: Usually to complete a process, my work depends on data coming from various stakeholders. That’s why it is really important to prioritize and focus on the right information needed and its urgency.

Ability to work effectively across teams (squads/ departments): In my role as an Engineering Operations Officer this is a very important point. I try to share best practices and communicate as much as possible with the different teams, so I am up-to-date and participate when needed.

Agile working method: Considering the agile work habits that we have at Celonis I should always know how and when to change the prioritization. I need to have a high speed at which information is fed into the decision making process and communicated to others, so that I can turn the wheels and drive to the new direction together. 

Describe your team at Celonis in three words.

Smart. Progressive. Curious.

Which of the Celonis values matters most to you and why?

The Best Team Wins is the most meaningful Celonis value to me, which I along with my team try to uphold in our daily tasks and activities. Having a productive team with the right energy, where individuals feel free and inspired to bounce their creative ideas back and forth, is essential to delivering high-quality results and keeping up the good work. The picture shows a skiing event with the team from last winter.

Elona, Engineering Operations Officer, joined Celonis in March 2019 and holds an Informatics Bachelor Degree and did her Master Studies in Social Media & Web Technologies. Previous to Celonis Elona worked as a Software Development Lead at Cacttus.

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