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Interns & Working Students - Celonis Onboarding Week

Celonaut Spotlight: Interns & Working Students

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What makes working at Celonis special for Working Students/Interns?

At Celonis we have an inclusive culture where you can talk openly to everyone regardless of their positions. From day one you can work independently and have lots of responsibilities, but other employees are always happy to support you if you need help.  As our average age is around 30 it is easy to feel comfortable very fast in our young and dynamic team. You are considered a valuable member of the team. Celonis supports the personal development of every Celonaut for example via our strength training that is offered to any employee. There are also many possibilities to connect with other Celonauts outside of work by joining our yoga classes, Friday evening beer or one of our mystery lunches… now in limited remote versions, though. 

Which characteristics should applicants have to join as Working Students/Interns?

There is no stereotypical Celonaut as we are a very diverse and international team. Our company language is English, so you should be confident in speaking it. Most important is that you are motivated to work in a dynamic environment, are passionate about supporting Celonis to develop and act hands-on to bring ideas forward.

How does a typical day at Celonis look like? 

A typical day at Celonis doesn’t exist. Every day new challenges and projects come up. Besides defined targets you can always bring up your own ideas and use your time to upskill yourself. It surely never gets boring and there is always something new to learn. 

Describe Celonis in three words.

Visionary. Dynamic. Unique.

Curious? Read the personal insights from some of our working students and interns!

My start at Celonis 

  • Resul: My start at Celonis began with the onboarding week, which I was very excited about since I was about to start a new job and meet a lot of people being in the same situation as mine. The onboarding week was a perfect opportunity to meet new people at Celonis and get to know the cultural aspects everyone lives here. After the onboarding week, I had a very clear oversight of what is going on in this company, even though I was still a little bit unsure about the technological aspects. From the first day on, I was heartwarmingly welcomed to my team(s) and had the feeling to be a full team member, even though I was only present half of the week. Also, people outside of my team were very welcoming. I really enjoyed my first weeks here, because everyday, I met new people who had a very likewise mindset as mine. 

  • Hannah: I joined Celonis during the Covid lockdown and had my whole onboarding experience remotely. We had a lot of Zoom meetings and in the beginning it was rather uncomfortable to turn on the camera in every meeting. But after a few days I got used to it  - and when meeting the first colleagues back in the office I had the feeling that I already know them thanks to many video calls. My onboarding week was also done completely remotely, which gave me the chance to get to know people from all over the world. During the week we had a little group task and in my group were colleagues from totally different time zones, e.g. US west coast, Europe and India. I enjoyed working in such an international environment and after a few months at Celonis I am still meeting new people almost every day. 

  • David: Since I started working for Celonis during the lockdown, all meetings took place remotely. But I don't want to go too much into detail here, but rather focus on the topics that make onboarding at Celonis special. The onboarding was carried out by a colleague who herself had only been with the company for two months, but already knew all processes, areas of expertise, tools and contacts extremely well. This shows how quickly you can take on responsibility at Celonis if you want to. Furthermore, your own team colleagues immediately pass on useful information to you and take the time to explain processes and projects.  This shows the unique and collegial culture at Celonis very impressively. In the beginning you have to get familiar with IBC, PQL and the project methodology (depending on your role), but if you are motivated and determined, you will become an essential part of the whole organization after a short period of time.

  • Jackie: The whole Digital Consulting Team at Celonis welcomed me with their arms wide open. I was lucky and got to meet everyone in person from the beginning of my internship since we were alternately allowed to work from the office again. The virtual IT- and HR-Onboarding on my first day was conducted very professionally. Thanks to the fast and comprehensive support form HR and IT side my onboarding experience was very smooth and enabled me to get started with all relevant Celonis Academy training tracks as soon as possible. Within the whole Digital Consulting team I especially enjoyed the immediate integration into the team from a professional as well as personal perspective. Given the warm welcome, I was looking forward to being part of such a driven, smart and dynamic team as well as to all the challenges that were about to come during my time at Celonis. 

  • Ulrich: I started with Celonis during the lockdown, which was a unique experience, but for the future probably rather ordinary. I got my laptop sent to me by mail and was able to set everything up myself. On the first day, we had several onboarding events where every new employee at Celonis participated. That way you get to know the first colleagues and get the necessary information right away. After this, I was introduced to my team joyfully and we first had a chat about the processes and tasks in the team. Since I am writing my Master’s thesis with Celonis, we have also introduced weekly alignment calls, which are essential for comprehensive support with the team. This whole process quickly got me on pace. I remember on my first day I had a weekly all-hands call where the founders of Celonis presented current topics and news and other teams were showcasing their impressive work. This helped me a lot to create a deep connection and motivation to give it all I have got for such a great and inspiring company.

Advice to future Celonis interns or working students 

  • Resul: Don’t be hesitant to introduce yourself to people you meet here, because no matter what, everyone here will welcome you and you will get to know interesting people with interesting stories to tell. 

  • Hannah: Working at Celonis will certainly never get boring. Due to the dynamic and fast changing environment, everyone is constantly learning. If you have new ideas on how to take Celonis even further, any feedback is welcome. Self-initiative is very appreciated at Celonis and therefore you have the possibility to select your own tasks right from the start. 

  • David: Be open minded. Be interested. Do not shy away from responsibility. At Celonis your work is truly appreciated and you can get engaged in many different projects. You should also always question the status quo, as Celonis is constantly evolving. Maybe the most important advice for working at Celonis: Show a sense of ownership.

  • Jackie: Your responsibilities during an DC internship at Celonis hardly differ from the ones of a permanent employment. Thus, your performance, passion and potential will shape the company’s future to a certain extent. At Celonis, you are given the chance to make an impact, to proactively contribute your own ideas and to engage in projects you are personally interested in. TAKE this chance and make the most of it, it’s a unique opportunity! 

  • Ulrich: With Celonis you can get involved in various topics very quickly, whether you are a student or a full-time employee. The environment is extremely supportive and everyone loves to give you input and inspiration for your projects and ideas. So be open and talk about your visions, you will immediately experience the benefits of this extensive network. My curiosity was there from day one and has never faded since then.

Fun Facts 

  • Resul: It took me 15 minutes to actually find the office while I was basically standing in front of it. Since I am not from Munich, this was kind of new to me and I didn’t figure out that I actually had to walk into the building complex. 

  • Franzi: Due to Covid-19 my job interview and onboarding took place remotely, so I haven’t met any Celonaut in person during my first month of working for Celonis. But thanks to Zoom and Slack I still felt like a part of the team very quickly. 

  • David: I really wanted to work abroad for Celonis. For this reason I originally applied for the office in Amsterdam. During the interview the hiring manager suggested that I could also go to the London office if that was an option for me. Of course I agreed to her proposal immediately. This flexibility and dynamic characterizes Celonis.

  • Jackie: As various workshops and our onboarding had to be conducted virtually, some of us decided to stay in touch via regularly organized, virtual coffee breaks. Getting to know these colleagues who are located all over the world (New York, London, Madrid,..) even better despite the Covid working situation or paradoxically probably because of it was an unexpected positive outcome and fostered networking among different nations, departments and hierarchy levels. 

  • Ulrich: I live just a two-minute walk from the Munich office, so there are no busses or subways that I could miss on my way to work. 

Resul (working student Media & graphic design, Bachelor Thesis UI/UX design) Franzi (working student Employer Branding) Hannah (working student Employer Branding) Jackie (intern Digital Consulting) David (intern Process Mining Consulting) Ulrich (working student Business Development)

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