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Celonaut Spotlight: Jascha Romanski

Celonaut Spotlight: Jascha Romanski, Senior Manager Customer Value, Munich

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Celonaut Jascha Romanski joined #TeamCelonis in July of 2019 as a Customer Success Manager and has progressed into the role of Senior Manager Customer Value.

Jascha tells us about what is unique about his role, the key qualifications applicants need to join the department, and what Celonis value matters most to him.

Celonaut Spotlight: Jascha Romanski
Jascha Romanski
Customer Value Senior Manager

What makes working at Celonis special for you?

Celonis is currently in an exciting phase. The daily work in a Hypergrowth Saas company is high-paced with quarter-to-quarter milestones. This speed is fun and leads to a lot of variety. At the same time, we have the opportunity to collaborate with top decision-makers from the world's largest companies and drive value initiatives with the market-leading software. 

I love our driven and flat-hierarchy culture. In the end, it’s the best argument that gets heard, not the title. That mix, along with our powerful team cohesion, is definitely what makes Celonis so unique for me.

Tell us, what is unique about being a Customer Value Manager at Celonis?

As a CVM, you’re responsible for a small portfolio of strategic accounts. Our CVMs get the full responsibility for developing the account and delivering maximum business value to our clients. You will work closely with the client's CXO level/ senior management, in order to translate their strategic objectives to concrete value milestones, drive the value realization and help our customers to execute at levels they never thought possible.

Value Management is a fast-paced job, as our clients expect quick results and we deliver them together with the Team. We help industry-leading customers to have strong ROIs while driving the adoption of our software. 

The remarkable thing here is that you will get a good handful of accounts in various lifecycle stages - totaling several millions of annual recurring revenue. That makes the job quite varied as you face different challenges (from showing the client team how to run, up to pushing global scaling initiatives with the corresponding organizational models). And for every topic, you will get full responsibility, sitting in the driver seat, next to CXOs.

What challenges do you face every day and how do you deal with them?

The most exciting thing about the CVM role is also the biggest challenge. We are always at the interface function. Predominantly within the triad of Sales - technical experts and of course at the forefront of our client’s senior management. In combination with the different life cycles of each client engagement, you need to prioritize well, as demands are pulling from every site. Structuring is key here, in order to break down complex situations and execute accordingly. So, you need to take big responsibility and ownership in that role while being well embedded in the organization.

If you want to excel in a faced-paced environment, you need to build a strong team - be it the specific account team, our CVM/ Delivery team and with each and every Celonaut. That is exactly what moves us forward day by day while tackling every challenge.

Describe your team at Celonis in three words.

Driven. Preserving. Humorous.

Which key qualifications should applicants have to join your department?

In general, you need to be able to drive strategic initiatives with a significant number of cross-department engagements. We do have a high bar at Celonis - and we are looking for at least 5 years (of work experience within the SaaS industry or as a Consultant of a renowned consultancy, working with large enterprises. CVMs need to have a strategic, value-driven mindset with strong execution capabilities while being strong networkers and relationship builders. Potential candidates need to have strong business acumen as well as very good communication skills. You need to show leadership within the various teams and live executive presence.

That should be underlined with strong ownership and passion for making our customers successful while being a proactive team player with innovative ideas.

Which of the Celonis values matters most to you and why?

I was very impressed when I first learned how focused Celonis is when it comes to customer success. We do have a very strong post-sales organization, meaning that we will stay with our clients along their Celonis journey and guide them on how to realize and expand the (pre-sales) identified value. Therefore, “live for customer value” as we framed it, matters most to me. We live it as a state of mind, a passion to center around our clients and leverage our resources to not just deliver what the client asked for but rather excel with new perspectives and tailor-fitted solutions. The whole organization is committed to our client’s success and I identify very well with that.

👩‍🚀 Jascha joined Celonis as a CVM in 2019 with a focus on Strategic Accounts and has meanwhile taken over partial responsibility for our virtual goods industry cluster. He’s based in our Munich headquarters.You can find him in the mountains almost every weekend, riding his downhill mountain bike. There’s even a Celonis Mountainbike community with regular meet-ups.

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