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Celonaut Spotlight: Karly Zlatic, Data Scientist & Management Consultant, Solution Engineering, Raleigh

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What makes working at Celonis special for you?

  • At Celonis, I’ve been given an extraordinary opportunity to have authority over large proof of value projects, working with executives from Fortune 500 companies. The trust and support I have from my team has accelerated my growth in both business acumen and process knowledge.

Which advice would you give to less experienced women who are just starting their career? 

  • Use LinkedIn! Every job opportunity I’ve had has been through a connection on LinkedIn or university jobs platform. Find a commonality to someone who works at the company you’re interested in, and reach out to them. LinkedIn is a huge resource—with tools for learning as well as easy ways to find people who went to your school or grew up in your hometown.

Which key qualifications should applicants have to join your department?

  • Our Solution Engineering role entails a unique combination of process knowledge, consulting nature, and technical capability. Have you worked in consulting or process excellence? Do you have sharp SQL skills? Sounds like you’d be a great candidate.

What challenges do you face every day and how do you deal with them?

  • The biggest challenges we face surround prospect requests during proof of value projects. Prospects get so excited about Celonis and what we have to offer that here and there they want to add little customization. It’s the teetering of the scale between giving the customer what they want and ensuring an efficiently executed sale utilizing our incredible out of the box solutions.

Describe your team at Celonis in three words.

  • Growth-minded. Collaborative. Humble.

How does a typical day at Celonis look like for you? 

  • Each day is a little different, depending on what phase the proof of value projects are in. Every week, though, I will likely have a couple internal team calls, customer meetings, and time spent working on analyses within Celonis. During new product launches, I’ve also spent a good portion of my time learning the ins and outs for my own personal development.

Karly, Data Science & Management Consultant in our Raleigh Office, joined Celonis in January 2019. She studied Applied Mathematics (BA) at Harvard University and Business Analytics (M. Sc.) at the University of Nottingham and directly jumped on the Celonis ride.

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