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Murtuza Hussain

Celonaut Spotlight: Murtuza Hussain, Sales Enablement Manager, New York

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What makes working at Celonis special for you?

Learning from very talented and experienced people. I’ve had the pleasure of working alongside leaders who have significantly shaped how I’ve approached challenges and objectives in new & sophisticated ways. I truly feel like I’m growing as a person and professional every day.  

Which advice would you give to less experienced talents who are just starting their career? 

Be obsessed with feedback. Any opportunity you can, ask how you could have approached & done something better. Ask what you did well and should continue doing. Ask for accountability on actions and hold yourself accountable. It helps to also gain mentorship from individuals who accell in a field you want to be in - never be afraid to seek advice & guidance. 

Which key qualifications should applicants have to join your department?

In enablement, we understand that our peers learn and process things in different ways. This could be through videos, educational podcasts, lectures, visuals, group discussions, etc.. A key qualification would be the ability to understand & identify important ways to enable materials in an effective and efficient way. Another key qualification is the ability to pivot and adjust quickly. The ability to remove, add, replace is important because not only is content ever-changing, the way people learn is ever-changing.  

What challenges do you face every day and how do you deal with them?

There isn’t any specific challenge I’m facing every day. The way I avoid challenges is to stay organized and by creating a task list to get completed by end-of-day. A large part of my day is hopping from session to session so making sure everything is finished before it affects other people is the biggest task.  

How does a typical day at Celonis look like for you? 

On a typical day, a big portion of my day is enabling Sales Representatives on new material and best practices. When I’m not enabling, the rest of the time goes towards organizing Friday Power Hour meetings, content creation, updating our existing training materials, strategizing with leadership, 1-on-1s with my reps & overall forecasting.  

Describe your team at Celonis in three words.

Growing. Strategic. Creative.

Describe your personal success story at Celonis. What makes you especially proud?

I was one of the first Business Development Representatives in North America and rose up into the Enablement role after my manager at the time, Ryan Gold, realized a good fit and helped me grow down that path. I’ve learned a lot and have continued growing since joining Richard Dunkels team. Something that makes me proud is seeing the reps I train hitting their goals, furthering their careers and mentoring others. That reason alone makes me love being in my role.  

Murt, Sales Enablement Manager, joined Celonis back in 2017 in New York. He is US born, but has a Pakistani background. Previous to Celonis Murt gained working experience as a Sales Manager for Yelp.

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