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Nitay Caspi

Celonaut Spotlight: Nitay Caspi, Senior Process Mining Consultant, New York

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What makes working at Celonis special for you? What makes you proud?

What makes working at Celonis special for me is the dynamic, fast-paced culture filled with ambitious yet pragmatic people. When we face a challenge, we face it as a team (the best team wins!) and everyone brings their strength to the table. This environment has made me realize what my strengths are while simultaneously encouraging growth.

What makes me proud is whenever I see how fast the company is growing. I joined when there were ~500 Celonauts globally, so to now be more than 2x that size, in such a short time, is astonishing. At the same time, the product has evolved so much – while I’m out there engaging with customers, I know I’m backed by the incredibly talented product & engineering teams. To know that I’ve played even a small role in the growth of the company is pretty awesome.

You are actively involved in our new community Pride@Celonis. Tell us a little bit more about this great initiative.

When I joined Celonis, it was my first full-time job out of college. I was very lucky to join into a team of open, friendly, and supporting colleagues (shout out to the NYC Solution Engineering team!), but I would have greatly benefitted from having role models who are out and proud. When the Women@Celonis community was launched, I was inspired to create a similar support network of LGBTQ+ Celonauts. Thus, Pride@Celonis was born! I’ve been working with an awesome team of folks from all over the US and Europe to make this happen, as well as the phenomenal support from Janina, our Director of Sustainability, and Charly, our Culture Manager. We are just getting this community off the ground, but the goal is to grow Pride@Celonis around three core missions: (1) to foster an environment where LGBTQ+ Celonauts are visible and included, (2) to create networking opportunities and social events for LGBTQ+ Celonauts and allies, and (3) to promote engagement with our local LGBTQ+ communities via volunteering, fundraising, etc.

Which advice would you give to less experienced talents who are just starting their career? Which key qualifications should applicants have to join your department as a Solution Engineer/ Consultant?

For all the early career folks out there, my advice is: it’s ok to fail! Nobody is perfect, and failure is a natural part of the learning process that everyone goes through early in their career. Resilience is such a crucial “skill” to have, but like any other skill you need to nurture your resilience by being OK with imperfection and learning to get back up after making a mistake.

For applicants interested in joining either Solution Engineering or Professional Services/ Consulting, my advice would be to find what makes you special. The required skills are of course important, but in many situations, you need to go beyond these skills in order to wow a customer, and this is where your uniqueness comes in. In my case, my experience as a data engineer in a computational neuroscience lab became very useful when I had to build a data extractor to connect to a customer’s homegrown IT system. This also applies to soft skills. It’s these specialties that will make a difference on the job.

What challenges do you face every day and how do you deal with them?

The biggest challenge I face is balancing different stakeholders at the customer. This typically comes down to negotiating between business requirements, technical requirements, and information security requirements – which means working with different teams at the customer, each with their own agenda. I deal with this by always focusing on the impact that we can have and asking how we can provide the most value to the customer.

Describe your team at Celonis in three words.

Ambitious. Focused. Trans-Atlantic.

Which of the Celonis values matters most to you and why?

While all the Celonis values speak to me personally, the most important is We Own It. This value motivates me to do my best every day because I know that the success of my project is on me. The ownership mentality also allows me to trust my colleagues, because I know my colleagues take ownership over their contributions to the project. The more I think about it, the more I realize just how much this value complements The Best Team Wins, because the best teams promote a sense of ownership and accountability.

Nitay, Senior Process Mining Consultant in our New York Headquarter, joined Celonis early 2019. Nitay holds a degree in Neuroscience & Computer Science and besides that is a greaf chef. For Celonis he's the initiator of the Pride@Celonis community.

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