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Celonaut Spotlight: Trevor Jones, Manager of Business Development, Raleigh

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What makes working as a Business Development Representative at Celonis such a unique experience? What makes you proud?

The team is hands down what gets me out of bed in the morning. It’s amazing to watch people come in with a variety of backgrounds and successfully conduct outreach to Enterprise customers and prepare for a future in Enterprise Tech Sales. It’s not an easy gig and takes grit but it’s invaluable experience that will carry forward for the rest of your career.

Which advice would you give to less experienced talents who are just starting their career?

  1. Hustle is 100% in your control. It should remain the variable that remains unchanged while working on perfecting the process. 

  2. Customer stories are the best place to start. If I was in a new sales role at a company I would get my hands on any customer story, video, blog post, etc. and memorize exactly why the customer decided to purchase and what they feel they get out of it. Not only does this quickly help you understand why your customers care about what you do, it’s the easiest way to get passionate about what you’re selling!

  3. Productive versus Busy. Sales is a role that is easy to be busy all day, but not necessarily productive. What separates the people that are highly successful is the ability to identify the highest value tasks and relentlessly protect your schedule/attention/focus towards those tasks. 

  4. System / process oriented. Strong communication is critical for success in a BDR or sales role, it’s those that are able to couple it with a strong and repeatable process that pays off at the end of the month or the end of the year (instead of just thinking about each day) that stand out in the long run!

Which key qualifications should applicants have to join the Sales Department?

  • Strong Work ethic

  • Process oriented

  • Ability to organize and prioritize effectively 

  • High level of intellectual curiosity

  • Passion for career in sales 

What challenges do you face every day and how do you deal with them?

I always describe it as you don’t 10x revenue in 4 years without breaking some stuff along the way. The rapid growth leads to change and it happens very quickly so being able to adapt and iterate is key. Great way to gain lots of experience in a short amount of time. It’s a large part of why I chose my role at Celonis!

Describe your team at Celonis in three words.

Talented. Driven. Cooperative.

Which of the Celonis values matters most to you and why?

Best Team Wins! It’s why I’m passionate about sales leadership. To me, nothing is quite as exciting in a professional career than being a part of a high performing team that is winning and growing. Watching people build on existing skill sets or acquiring new ones and being able to successfully implement that in future roles and for the rest of their career is what excites me the most. Having a team that shares ideas and best practices that is dedicated to winning as a team is just too much fun.

Trevor joined Celonis in 2019 as a Manager of Business Development in our Raleigh Hub. Before, he grew up in the car business and switched to tech Sales shortly then. Trevor is a proud father of two boys and just came back from a 9-weeks paternity leave. Furthermore, he likes to be outside and active and always is up for a nice BBQ.

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