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Tyler Cogovan

A Day in the Life of a Celonaut: Tyler Cogovan, Senior Execution Management Consultant in New York

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Tyler first became a Celonaut in May 2018 as a Summer Intern, and then returned in January 2019 as a Process Mining Consultant. He has since been promoted to Senior Execution Management Consultant.

Tyler takes us through his day, from his morning routine, what a typical day is like at Celonis, and what he does after work, which includes his passion for dodgeball.

Tyler Cogovan
Tyler Cogovan
Senior Execution Management Consultant

How do you start your day?

I start my morning with my daily breakfast with a salt bagel and an iced coffee. 

When I get back home, I play with my overly attached cat and hop on the computer.

What is your usual day like?

When I don’t get a lot of calls in the morning, I’m able to catch up on a decent amount of work. 

After a while, I get restless, so I decided to head over to the office. I like to split my days because it gets me outside and lets me soak in some desperately needed sun as summer approaches.

Before anything, I grab a tall cold brew and head over to my desk to take some afternoon calls.

My role at Celonis is to work with our consulting partners and implement our software. This can mean a lot of different things, which always keep it interesting, whether it's technical assistance, enablement, or anything else.

There's never a dull day.

What do you do after work?

Tonight's our dodgeball playoffs. And we dominated the competition and took home the championship.

After this, we were pretty hungry, so we headed over to celebrate with some Bud Lights and wings.

👩‍🚀Tyler Cogovan is Celonis’ Senior Execution Management Consultant based in our New York office. Tyler has been with Celonis for over 3 years, as well as doing a summer internship here before he started full-time. Before Celonis, he pursued a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics at the State University of New York College at Plattsburgh and a Master's in Applied Mathematics at Manhattan College. In his free time, he


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