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Process Mining: Enterprise-Grade, but Not Enterprise-Only

BlogBusiness Excellence

Process Mining and the Celonis EMS shine when they’re applied in large organizations with complex operations and deeply entrenched processes that haven’t evolved alongside the business. So, it’s no surprise that when you take a glance over our customer stories page, you see a lot of enterprise-scale companies with long histories.

It’s something I hadn’t really taken account of until it started popping up in some of my conversations with growing and mid-market organizations. Many seemed to be under the impression that our tech wasn’t really for them, that they wouldn’t have the resources needed to see value from it, or that it simply wasn’t applicable for companies of their size.

In practice, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Process Mining and the Celonis EMS both have incredibly powerful applications for organizations in the mid-market, and can play a pivotal role in their evolution as they scale their operations up.

Here are five big reasons why.

Reason #1: It isn’t another long, cumbersome IT implementation

Enterprise-scale IT implementations are a major turn off for growing organizations. They’re resource-intensive, prone to frequent change, and often take months or even years to start delivering measurable value to the business.

From the outside, something like the Celonis EMS certainly looks like implementing it would involve that kind of project. But we’ve put a huge volume of resources and effort into ensuring that it’s as quick and easy to implement as possible.

Over the years, we’ve learned best practices across hundreds and thousands of implementations and distilled them into plug-and-play apps, data connectors, dashboards, automations and more. The result is that today, when a customer starts using our tech, they get a powerful, highly capable starting point they can use to deliver value virtually immediately.

Of course, everything can be tailored and tweaked to meet an organization’s exact requirements. But, in practice, our pre-built elements mean that mid-market organizations can get a usable, high-value implementation in place incredibly quickly, without going through a multi-month IT fiasco.

Reason #2: Process Mining you understand what you should scale, and why

Process Mining helps organizations identify, visualize, and eliminate inefficiencies across their processes. For enterprises, that means having the opportunity to root out issues that have crept in over years, or process gaps that have gone undetected as the company has grown. But for SMEs and growing businesses, it gives them the chance to remove those inefficiencies before they’re scaled up.

By utilizing Process Mining, those organizations have a great opportunity to optimize processes and improve efficiency, while doing so is still straightforward. Then, as the company grows, it can scale those processes in confidence, knowing that it’s not just taking an inefficient process and expanding it, or replicating inefficiencies across the business.

Reason #3: Process Mining and the EMS democratize the ability to execute

Not every organization has the luxury of their own process improvement center of excellence, or dedicated process optimization teams. Teams in the mid-market want to optimize their processes — and they’re well aware of the advantages it can deliver — but without those resources, they often feel powerless to do it.

The Celonis EMS levels the process playing field. It democratizes the ability to execute, giving growing organizations the ability to critically analyze their processes and optimize their capacity to execute, without having to allocate dedicated resources. It puts the ability to deliver process excellence in everyone’s hands, so highly efficient processes aren’t something exclusively reserved for the biggest global players in their market.

Reason #4: We start small

Aside from how complex they can be to implement, the other big reason why most businesses in the mid-market are turned off by enterprise-grade technology investments is that they carry a lot of risk. You put a lot of money and resources in, it takes a long time to see value, and your investment can — and frequently does — fail to see wide-scale adoption.

When you invest in capabilities like that, it shouldn’t feel like a leap into the unknown where you cross your fingers and desperately hope your decision pays off. That’s why we start small with a lot of our customers.

By starting out with a small, targeted, low-risk implementation, Celonis helps mid-market teams see the power of Process Mining first-hand, before they scale the solution out. You can see how everything works, how easy everything is to implement and, most importantly, see true measurable value before you commit to a wider implementation.

Reason #5: We help people change along with processes

Even the best technology in the world is practically useless if people don’t know how to use it. That’s why we created the Celonis Academy. Our award-winning training resources can help anyone learn how to maximize execution capacity and deliver process excellence. The training is available around the clock to all Celonis customers, completely free. So, instead of getting a nasty surprise — and huge bill — when you want to upskill your team around your new tech, you can give everyone limitless access to more than 70 courses without a second thought.

See the power of the Celonis EMS and Process Mining for yourself

Process excellence is a concern for every business. So, we help enable and support it for every business. Hopefully these five reasons have helped you see how we do that, but there’s no substitute for seeing our capabilities in action for yourself.

Get started with our free EMS plan today to have a look around, or book a demo to see how Celonis could help you achieve process and execution excellence as you scale up your business.

Or simply get in touch — and ask about our EMS Readiness program, which lets you trial the power of the Celonis capabilities and comes with a 6-week plan to define the business value the EMS can drive for you.

VP Global Inside Sales
Torbjörn Svensson
VP Global Inside Sales
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