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US Summer Internship Program


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US summer internship_EPH

About the US Summer Internship Program

As we continue to expand our presence in the US, we offer our full-time Summer Internship Program to Engineering, Mathematics, and Business students completing their undergraduate or graduate degrees in the US. This is an interactive and in-person internship designed to help and support you in building your personal brand, developing business skills, and much more.

Application period:  'Summer 2023'- Applications will open in September

Program start: May/June

Program Benefits

Personal Development

You’ll develop networking and presentation skills, learn how to work in and foster an inclusive culture, and expand your capabilities in your field of study through hands-on projects, workshops, and Celonis Academy.

Meaningful Work

We value every Celonaut’s point of view. As an intern, you’ll work side-by-side with team members and senior leaders, contributing in a meaningful way.

Structured Mentorship

In addition to the support of your manager and team members, you’ll be paired with a mentor to help you get the most out of your internship.

Want to be a Celonaut?

The application period for the summer internship program will open in September 2022, so stay tuned! In the meantime, feel free to check out our open student roles.

Caroline Smith_US summer internship

What makes the US summer internship special?

As an intern at Celonis, you will be welcomed into the team as someone with value to add from day one, as well as someone with lots to learn. I learned more in my internship than I did in any business class, and stayed at the company because of the incredible people and product that I truly believe in.

Caroline Smith
Former Solution Engineer Intern
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