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Celonis Webinare

Willkommen bei Celonis Webinare, Ihr Center für alle Live- und On-Demand-Webinare von Celonis.

Nächste Webinare

Wöchentliche Live-Demo: X-Ray Mittwoch
Einführung in Process Mining. Wir haben die Grundlagen von Process Mining auf 20 Minuten eingedampft: was Process Mining ist, wie es funktioniert und wie man damit anfängt.
Introduction to Celonis Free Plan
Join us to learn everything you need to know about how to jump into data-driven business execution for free. Harness the power of the Celonis Execution Management System (EMS), including the world’s #1 process mining technology and automation that measures inefficiencies and takes targeted action to fix them. It’s quick, easy to implement, and secure.
Celonis and EcoVadis: Buying into Sustainable Procurement
Join our experts for a 30-minute webinar to understand how to use sustainability data in your procurement process to drive changes including report on sustainability performance, onboard unrated suppliers and improve spend coverage and intelligently prioritize sustainable suppliers.
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