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Learn from the best team.
And get paid for it.

Your way into the fastest-growing tech company straight out of Prishtina. Activate your path to excellence by joining our path-to-excellence internship program.

Celonis internship program "Path to Excellence" Pristina

99.9 % of interns converted to full time employees as Junior Software Engineers

Don't worry about:


We take care of you. The Celonis compensation packages for interns are the highest in Prishtina.


Sky is the limit, also for your career. With Celonis being the fastest growing tech company, we have a lot of space for your personal growth


Flexibility and Responsibility start with day 1. We give you ownership.


You learn from the best in Prishtina, Munich, New York and Madrid. 


Our dedicated curriculum evolved over the past years. Throughout the past five badges of interns, we continuously improved our project-based learning experience, which reflects on the picked modules:

  • Programming Fundamentals
  • Software Engineering
  • Backend Programming
  • Frontend Programming
  • UI Development
  • Teamwork

Within 4 months, you’ll be able to get a profound understanding of the different modules. Apply today, pass the admission tests and start your path to excellence.

Ultimate Guide image


Qendrim Mucolli

Path to Excellence has equipped me with the skills and knowledge necessary for the job market through the mentorship, technologies, and the curriculum it provides. This program has also helped me understand the importance of cooperation in teamwork.

Qendrim Mucolli
Software Engineer
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Path to Excellence FAQs

How will the program be run during the pandemic?

Because of the restrictive measures, since the beginning of the pandemic we have been working from home; thus, we will run the program remotely. However, should anything change eventually regarding the measures and we can continue running the program in the office, you will be informed in due course.

Who will be able to join as a full time employee after the program?

Our goal is to educate and ramp up everyone in the program so that everyone can become a full time celonaut. From the previous batches, nearly 100% of the candidates who went through the program have experienced high growth and joined Celonis as full time employees. Since becoming celonauts, they have continued to grow significantly and are now key engineers at Celonis.

Is the program split based on roles, such as: Backend Engineer and Frondend Engineer?

This batch is for a Full Stack Software Engineer Program, which contains modules to shape all-rounded Software Engineers. During the program, if you have more affinity towards Frontend or Backend, then after joining as a regular engineer, we will assign you to a team & product that has more challenges that are a better fit for you.

On what technologies/frameworks will the program be covered?

The curriculum in the backend is designed with java, spring framework, spring boot and maven. In the frontend with html, css, svg, javascript, typescript, angular, webpack and npmjs.

What are the benefits during the internship?

The internship benefits are higher than the average salary in Kosovo. Besides the salary, Celonis is investing a lot in interns with mentorship resources, celonaut benefits such as private health insurance, high-end hardware (laptop and 27 inch monitor), snacks & drinks in the office and events (when pandemic restrictions allow).

Can I apply for the next batch if I’m not selected this time?

Yes, you can apply for the next batch if you’re not selected this time.

How will the test be organized?

The first test will be conducted online and the ones that succeed will conduct the second test physically.

When will the test take place?

The tests will take place after the application deadline, by the beginning of April. We will let you know the exact date, time & location beforehand.

When will the program start?

We are planning to start with the program on May.

What kind of challenges will be conducted during the selection process?

The first two tests will be focused on technical knowledge & experience around problem solving, algorithms, data structures, OOP where the answers will need to be prepared in java. Whereas the last interview is more focused on cultural fit and soft-skills.

How many candidates will be selected for this batch?

Our target for this batch is to find around 10 candidates that are primed for hyper growth in their career.

How hard is it to pass the test?

The tests are relatively easy to pass, if you are coming from a computer science/software engineering education where programming fundamentals (algorithms, data structures, OOP, etc.) with java were covered properly.

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