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How Shared Services Centers Find & Capture Value Across Processes

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How Shared Services Centers Find & Capture Value Across Processes

Learn how process mining smashes cost reduction targets and finds & delivers on the value opportunities hiding in and between your processes.

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Find and capture value with your SSC

Businesses haven’t known stress like this for a long time. Cost reduction is king and Shared Services Centers are the ones to do it. But to find the most efficient ways to cut cost (and add to their service catalog at the same time) SSCs need process mining to find the opportunities hiding beneath the surface and extract the value.

Join us to watch how SSON Research & Analytics’ Barbara Hodge shares market data on how SSCs are prioritizing process optimization in the search for end-to-end process integration and digitalization.

And we will cover how, armed with process mining-driven insights, SSCs are optimizing what they do and delivering high quality, efficient services.

You’ll hear about the:

  • Adoption of new technologies and digital processes
  • Role of automation
  • Impact of process mining on operating margins, working capital, and customer experience
  • Execution Management System and how it finds and captures business value in your processes
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Barbara Hodge
Global Editor
SSON Research & Analytics
Paige Andrews Headshot Celonis
Paige Andrews
Product Marketing Manager
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