Introduction to Process Mining for Life Sciences

Quarterly Live Demo Series

Shorten the cycle times in clinical trials

Track the end-to-end lifecycle of an adverse event to ensure compliance and eliminate inefficiency. Join this demo to learn how process modernization accelerates clinical trials by managing the onboarding process and ensuring on-time filing of regulatory materials.

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Let’s X-Ray your processes

We understand. Clinical trial costs and market expectations are on the rise. With Process Mining, your business data is transformed into actionable insight in real-time.

Each quarter, we will examine how Process Mining helps leading pharmaceutical organizations get a continuous, objective view of their processes so you can course correct in real-time.

Join us for our next demo: Process Mining for Clinical Operations.

To register for this webinar, choose one of the dates below.

Upcoming Webinars

Thursday, October 19, 2023, 11AM (ET) / 8AM (PT)
Thursday, January 18, 2024, 11AM (ET) / 8AM (PT)
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