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Big Business and Startups: Alexander Rinke talks at the European Forum Alpbach

The European Forum Alpbach’s events and its network of scholarship holders create an interdisciplinary platform for effective socio-political dialogue. Through its work, the European Forum Alpbach also functions as an interactive and open think tank and provides inspiration for societal debate. From September 1st to 3rd, the Economic Symposium “Inequality – On the Paradox of the Economy” takes place.

Capitalism creates wealth – and is simultaneously criticised for weakening democracy and the equality of opportunity. Under current conditions, how much inequality is necessary to intensify economic relations and to stimulate the business cycle? When does an advantageous “just enough” become a critical “too much”? Where can or should economic policy intervene? Where should such action be avoided? At the Alpbach Economic Symposium, experts from economy, politics and academia will give an overview on the economic dimension of inequality and on its far-reaching consequences for society.

More Information: Website Alpbach Forum 2015: Economic Symposium Source: Website Alpbach Forum

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