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Celonis Circles

Celonis – mining within 3D and ESG

Think process mining, and you’re likely to think of Celonis. Co-founded in 2011 by co-CEO Alex Rinke, alongside Bastian Nominacher and Martin Klenk, the startup began as a spin-off from the Technical University of Munich, and within one year joined the SAP Startup Focus program. By 2015, Celonis was the first company from the program to sign a reseller agreement with SAP. 

Today Celonis boasts partners such as IBMAccentureServiceNow, and Red Hat, and hosts an annual Celosphere event to showcase the latest updates to its execution management software. On the eve of Celosphere 2022 in Munich, Germany, Rinke exclusively talked with ERP Today about how one of the company’s latest platforms – Celonis Process Sphere – can aid with supply chain disruption.

To read the full article on the talk between Giacomo Lee and Alex Rinke - click here.

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