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Next Milestone: PwC Becomes Global Platinum Partner for Record-Breaking Startup Celonis

Expansion of strategic partnership between PwC and Process Mining and Execution Management leader Celonis / State-of-the-art Execution Management helps customers make faster and better business decisions / Celonis Execution Applications now available on PwC's Global Network

Frankfurt am Main/Munich, Germany, June 09, 2021 Accounting and consulting firm PwC and Celonis, the global leader in execution management, today announced the next milestone in their strategic partnership, which has been in place since July 2020: PwC joins Celonis, the first German decacorn (start-up with a valuation of more than ten billion US dollars), as a global platinum partner. PwC contributes its deep finance and industry knowledge to the partnership, Celonis brings its innovation power in process mining and execution management – two strategically important pillars for future business success in a challenging market environment.

The COVID-19 pandemic has amplified the criticality of faster and better business decisions for business executives. Execution Management from Celonis and PwC addresses this by combining modern, AI-powered technologies such as process mining, predictive data analytics and intelligent automation. These help customers analyze business processes in depth, uncover and eliminate efficiency blockers, automate and optimize specific processes and applications.

Execution Management Solutions available on PwC's Global Network

Christian Bartmann, partner and global Celonis Alliance Leader at PwC Germany, said: "With our strategic partnership, Celonis' process mining technology has become the centerpiece of our data-driven services, especially finance transformation, technology consulting, and tax and assurance services." He added: "We are very pleased with the expansion of our collaboration as it further strengthens our market position and, most importantly, our offering to our customers."

Malhar Kamdar, Chief Ecosystem Officer at Celonis, commented: “We are very happy that we are now entering the next chapter of our partnership with PwC. Many of our customers across the globe have been trusting PwC’s expertise for many years now, helping them get transparency and insights into their core business processes. With the elevated partnership we are now raising the bar, enabling PwC firms to leverage Celonis’ Execution Management capabilities to the full extent. Together we will help customers generate substantial business value by freeing up execution capacity trapped in their organizations.

Celonis' Execution Management System and Execution Applications are now available as managed services and as PwC's own applications to all PwC departments across the global network.

About Celonis

Celonis believes that every company can unlock its full execution capacity. Powered by its market-leading process mining core, the Celonis Execution Management System provides a set of applications, and developer studio and platform capabilities for business executives and users to eliminate billions in corporate inefficiencies. Celonis has thousands of customers, including ABB, AstraZeneca, Bosch, Coca-Cola, Citibank, Danaher Corporation, Dell, GSK, John Deere, L’Oréal, Siemens, Uber, Vodafone and Whirlpool. Celonis is headquartered in Munich, Germany and New York City, USA and has 15 offices worldwide.

About PwC

At PwC, our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems. We’re a network of firms in 155 countries with over 284,000 people who are committed to delivering quality in assurance, advisory and tax services. Find out more and tell us what matters to you by visiting us at www.pwc.com.

PwC refers to the PwC network and/or one or more of its member firms, each of which is a separate legal entity. Please see www.pwc.com/structure for further details.

PwC Press Contact

Gregor Damm Tel.: +49 211 9812498 PwC Communications, PwC Deutschland E-Mail: gregor.damm@pwc.com

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